Titin, Endrawati (2023) Human resources for the development of higher education and academic culture of achievement and continuous learning. IRJMIS, 10 (1): 1. pp. 25-34. ISSN 2395-7492

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This paper discussed the development of high-endowment resources and academic culture in learning achievement and sustainability. We get the data online and analyze it under a distinctive approach involving data coding systems, in-depth data interpretation, and drawing conclusions that answer problems with high validity. Our data search is specifically for literature released ten years ago because the development of universities with their vital human resources has experienced extraordinary developments in the last ten years. After a series of analyses, interpretations, and discussions, the results include developing university resources and achieving academic results. A sustainable learning culture will only be possible when the university can optimize existing resources: having a culture of increasing success in obtaining specialization makes high career future opportunities and building relationships that lead to career support after getting knowledge in college. Thus, these results benefit similar studies in the future
keyword : Human resources, development, education

Item Type: Article
Subjects: PAK Dosen
Depositing User: Titin Endrawati
Date Deposited: 16 May 2023 21:26
Last Modified: 22 May 2023 07:50
URI: https://repository.poltekapp.ac.id/id/eprint/3549

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